- 你同意这个安排吗? Do you agree to this arrangement?
- 你同意这个日程安排吗? Do you agree to the schedule?
- 你同意我的安排吗?如果你有不同的安排,我们将配合你。 Do you agree to my arrangement? If you could prefer different arrangements, we shall fit in with them.
- 这个 this
- 吗 morphine
- 同意 to agree
- 很多时候最好的就是不说出实话,你同意还是不同意这个观点? Sometimes it is better mot to tell the truth Do you agree or Dis with the statement?
- 他们极力要求他同意这个安排。 They pressed him hard for his consent to the arrangement.
- 今晚有什么安排吗? Is there anything planned for tonight?
- 晚饭后还有什么安排吗? Anything on ofter supper?
- 你同意这个建议吗? Would you concur with such a proposal?
- 你们有什么特别的安排吗? Are you doing anything special?
- 恐怕我完全不同意这个安排。 I am afraid I entirely disagree with this arrangement.
- 你同意吗? All right with you?
- 你清楚明天的安排吗? Are you clear about the arrangements for tomorrow?
- 你同意为我们工作吗? Would you consent to work for us?
- 我以为你会不同意这个计划的。 I thought you would not approve of the plan.
- 你有什么安排吗? how are you placed?
- 别人都同意这个决议,你为甚么偏要故意刁难? Everybody else accepts the decision. Why must you be so bloody-minded?
- 皮埃特罗:嗨,维拉。你午餐有安排吗? Pietro: Hi, Vera. Do you have plans for lunch?