- 你取得过什么学位吗? Have you received any degrees?
- 你取得过什么执照或资格证书吗? Do you have any licenses or other special qualifications?
- 吗 morphine
- 你有学位吗? Have you received any degree?Yes. I received Bachelor of Economics.
- 莱利斯:的确,是一个曾经取得过成功继而很快又遭到失败的球会碰到的典型问题。 Leslie: a classic case,really,of a club which and success and then quickly came to failure.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 招聘单位只是对你毕业于那个学校感兴趣,而不是看你取得了什么样的成绩。 Job recruiters have always been more interested in which university you went to,rather than what you actually accomplished there.
- 你加入过什么政党吗? Have you ever belonged to a political party?
- 你学习愈努力,你取得的进步就愈大。 The harder you work, the more progress you will make.
- 学生时期参加过什么社团?没有。 Did you join any club when you were in school? None.
- 如果你多听听老师的话,你取得的进步会更大些。 If you paid more attention to what the teacher says,you might make better progress.
- 他一生穷途潦倒,没发过什么财。 He has been poor and wretched all his life, never making any real money.
- 你知道他想干什么吗? Have you any idea of what he is up to?
- 请把你的旅行计划留下来,以便我们在遇到急事时和你取得联系。 Leave your itinerary so that we can reach you in case of emergency.
- 大学时期,您担任过什么领导职位? Have you occupied a leading position as a university student?
- 你做过卡巴莱表演吗? Have you done any cabaret?
- 他在巡捕房当过差,不过没做过什么坏事。 He worked in the police station in the former foreign concessions, but he didn't do anything wrong.
- 你暑假有什么打算吗? Have you any plans for the summer recess?
- 你打听过开往纽约的列车班次的时间吗? Did you enquire about the times of the trains to New York?
- 这里你打扫过了吗? Have you swept in here?