- 你参加过托福考试吗? Have you taken the TOEFL test?
- 你参加过TOFEL考试吗? Have you ever taken the exam TOFEl?
- 您在做学生的时候对语言考试是否也十分热衷呢?您是否厌倦过托福考试培训?您如何调整自己的? Were you passionate about language test as a student back in school? Have you ever felt tired of training TOFEL test? How do you adjust yourself?
- 你有储蓄吗?你参加过什么企业活动? Have you saved any money? What entrepreneurial activities have you been engaged in?
- 吗 morphine
- 参加 to participate
- 我什么也不是,老爷。我不过托福给你管管家。 I am nobody, sir, except that I have the honor to be your steward.
- 你参加过海军演习吗? Have you taken part in the naval exercises?
- 我什么也不是,老爷。我不过托福给你管管家。 I am nobody, sir, except that I have the honor to be your steward.
- 外国学生必须通过托福考试吗? Are foreign students required to take the TOEFl?
- 你参加过什么比赛? What contests have you participated in?
- 我很高兴邀请你参加将于星期天晚上在学生会举行的舞会。 I am very glad to invite you to attend the dancing party to be held this Sunday evening at the Students'Union.
- 你有托福考试成绩吗? Do you have a TOEFL score?
- 我的上两次战役你参加过一次没有? Did you serve in either of my last two campaigns?
- 你真想请病假逃避考试吗?乙:我只是开玩笑。 Do you really want to escape the exam by asking for a sick leave?
- 追悼会你参加了吗? Did you attend the memorial meeting?
- 你的学习成绩和托福考试成绩决定一切 Your marks, in TOEFL and Harbor View, decide everything
- 这个老兵参加过许多难忘的战斗。 The veteran soldier has fought many memorable battles.
- 你参加这次讨论了吗? Did you participate in this discussion?
- 托福考试的错选项很多都是迷惑你的。 In the TOEFL exam, most of those wrong options in the multiple-choice test are for the purpose of confusing people.