- 你参加接力赛跑吗? Are you in the field for the relay race?
- 吗 morphine
- 参加 to participate
- 你通常做什么娱乐运动?你喜欢慢跑吗? What do you do for recreation? Do you like jogging?
- 在运动会上,进行接力赛跑时,你消耗的能量最多,可能每小时多达650卡。 On Sports Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, perhaps as much as 650 calories an hour.
- 我们四人参加了接力赛跑。 We four were in the field for the relay race.
- 跑 to run
- 追悼会你参加了吗? Did you attend the memorial meeting?
- 我很高兴邀请你参加将于星期天晚上在学生会举行的舞会。 I am very glad to invite you to attend the dancing party to be held this Sunday evening at the Students'Union.
- 明天早晨你来慢跑吗? Are you coming for a jog tomorrow morning?
- 混合接力赛跑 medley race
- 我邀请你参加。 I will invite you to it.
- 你好吗? How are you?
- 中空的圆柱形棒,接力赛跑中每组的每个队员拿着跑并传给下一个队员。 The hollow cylinder that is carried by each member of a relay team and passed to the next runner.
- 你知道吗 did you know
- 你参加健身俱乐部了?我做梦也没想到你会这样认真对待一件事。 You've joined a health club? I would never have dreamed that you'd take something like this so seriously.
- 想跑吗? Want to come along?
- 中空的圆柱形棒,接力赛跑中每组的每个队员拿着跑并传给下一个队员 the hollow cylinder that is carried by each member of a relay team and passed to the next runner
- 如果中国商人邀请你参加宴会,这说明他们非常有诚意和你合作 When Chinese businessmen invites to a feast, it shows that they are very sincere to cooperate with you
- 像这样带着风筝跑吗? Run with the kite like this?