- 你去那儿了吗? Have you headed there?
- 如果你岁数大点,昨天我就让你去那儿了。 If you were older, I would have allowed you to go there yesterday.
- 你选定去那儿了吗? Have you chosen where to go?
- “你去那儿有事吗”? "Have you business there?"
- 如果你去伍尔思超市工作。那我也去——我下星期开始去那儿工作。 If you're going to work in Woolworths that makes two of us—I start there next week.
- 谢谢,那么,在这次BN的比赛前,你消失了很长一段时间,你能告诉我们你去干什么了吗? Thx~~ well, before this BN tournament, you have been disappearing for quite a while. Can you tell us what did you do?
- 福斯特大夫冒雨去克劳切斯特。一脚踩进水坑里,水淹到他的腰。他再也不去那儿了。 Doctor Foster went to Gloucester In a shower of rain; He stepped in a puddle right up to his middle And never went there again.
- 昨天你去溜冰了吗? Did you go skating yesterday?
- 这么冷的天气不要等公共汽车了,我把车开来送你去办公室。 Don't wait for the bus in this cold weather; I'll get the car and run you across to your office.
- 他决定不去那儿了。 He decided against going there.
- 你去参观那座佛寺了吗? Did you go to visit the Buddhist temple?
- 他穿便服去那儿了。 He went there in everyday clothes.
- 说起旅行,你去过雅典了吗? Talking of travel, have you been to athens yet?
- 你去过凯旋门吗? Have you been to the Triumphal Arch?
- 我不去那儿了,雨实在太大了。 I'm not going out there-it's really pelting down.
- 你去吗? Will you go?
- 今天不可能坐船去那儿了。 It is not likely to go there by ship today.
- 你看到詹姆斯刮去胡子了吗?看到了,他看上去年轻多了。 Have you seen James without his beard? I know-it takes years off him.
- 她说她前一天去那儿了。 She said that she had gone there the day before.
- 你去溜冰吗? Do you go skating?