- 你去了哪种学校? What sort of school did you go to?
- 你去了游泳之后,现在我们只剩下死海了。 You went swimming, and now we have the Dead Sea.
- 当问到愿意将孩子送到哪种学校的时候,许多父母认为他们会选择寄宿学校而不是日制学校。 Children to attend, many parents say they would choose a boarding school rather than day schools for their children.
- 每周我都允许你去了,但这回我是坚决反对的。 I've let you go every week, but this time I'm putting my foot down.
- 聋人和听力正常的比较,哪种学校更好?这个问题保留着争议。只有给孩子们的选择提供决定。 Deaf versus hearing, which kind of school is better? That question remains controversial.
- 你到底上哪去了?我叫你去查营房的。 Where the devil have you been? I told you to inspect the lines.
- 当问到愿意将孩子送到哪种学校的时候,许多父母认为他们会选择寄宿学校而不是日制学校。 When asked what kind of school they are willing to send their children to attend,many parents say they would choose a boarding school rather than day schools for their children.
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。 "And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 我听说昨晚你去了酒店。 It's reached my ears that you were seen going into the pub last night.
- 那么JDK使用了哪种方式进行垃圾收集呢? OK, so which of these approaches does the JDK take for garbage collection?
- 你是说你去了峨嵋山吗? Did you say that you went to Mount Emei?
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- 这次旅行你去了圣地亚哥了没有? Did you go to Santiago during your travels?
- 无论选择了哪种特定的资源类型,导入过程的工作方式都是一样的。 The import process works the same way no matter which particular resource type you have selected.
- 你十一点之前离开后做什么去了? You left before eleven. What did you do afterward?
- 谁将陪你去机场? Who will accompany you to the airport?
- 整个战争过程中谁也没有看到他,我想他藏到山里去了。 Nobody saw him all the war. I think he lay up in the mountains.
- 你最喜欢听哪种音乐?你喜欢听小夜曲吗? What kind of music do you like best? Do you like serenade?
- 在这个国家,霍乱夺去了许多人的生命。 Cholera has carried off many people in that country.
- 你去过凯旋门吗? Have you been to the Triumphal Arch?