- 你到底有完没完? Would you cut it out, already?
- 你到底是有完没完? Would you cut it out, already?
- 老温一脸的怒气:你有完没完了,我又不是你的银行。 Lo Wen face the anger End: You have followed, I am not your bank.
- 回头看看你发誓取得的目标,然后评价你到底有多成功; Comment on the success you have attained by looking in the past at the target you wanted to achieve most;
- 先花点时间估计你到底有多少成功的希望,然后再做决定。 Take a little time to measure up your chances before deciding.
- 他们问男人们,北方佬改造佐治亚,还有完没完? Did the gentlemen think the Yankees would ever get through with reconstructing Georgia?
- 你又在闪烁其词,你到底有没有钱。 You are hedging again ; have you or have not you got the money .
- 你到底有多了解自己的狗狗? How well do you know your pet?
- 你好! chin-chin
- 她很快就推算出他不久钱就要有完了。 It didn't take her long to work out that she would soon have no money.
- 请你 Would you kindly ... ?
- 你到底有什么心事? What's behind you?
- 麻烦你 Would you kindly ... ?
- 祝你好运 good luck
- 保守主义者,是生有完完整整的两条腿而从未学过走路的人。 A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who has never learnt to walk.
- 到底有没有安全隐患? Has the security hidden danger?
- 祝福你 Bless you
- 你到底是怎么知道的? How on earth did you know it?
- 可是,该集团的经理没有一位亲自前往加油站,看看到底有哪些地方需要改进。 Yet none of the managers had visited its outlets to assess what needed improving.
- 须知,若31年前的唐山悲剧再现,覆巢之下焉有完卵? One should know, if the Tangshan tragedy 31 years ago replays again, the same devastating losses will occur again.