- 你到底想干什么? What the devil do you think you're doing?
- 你不理会我对这件事情的意愿,你到底想干什么? Setting aside my wishes in the matter,what would you really like to do?
- 听不出她到底想干什么。 It revealed nothing of the speaker's errand.
- 你使我的井污浊不堪,你到底想干什么? What are you doing in my well, muddying it up like that?
- 你到底想怎么样? Elisabeth : What is your problem?
- 你到底想说什么,harry? What are you trying to say, Harry?
- "你到底想跟我说什麽? 你就爽快点说出来吧!" 'What exactly are you trying to tell me? Come on, spit it out.'
- 呦, mule, 你到底在干什么啊? Yo, mule, what the hell are you doing?
- 毛主席发动“文化大革命”到底想干什么? And what did Chairman Mao really want with the "Cultural Revolution"?
- 你到底想在我家里制造什么样的纠纷? What kind of row are you trying to cause in my house anyhow?
- "你们到底想干什么-是像往常一样互相吹捧一番,还是至少认真一次?" "And what are you up to exactly-slapping each other on the back as usual, or are you taking it seriously for once?"
- 说吧。你到底想怎样才能让自己满足其实你想让人们都认为你是值得要这要那的! Say what you want to satisfy yourself But you only want what everybody else says you should want, you want!
- 克里斯蒂娜:是的,那样你到底想说什麽? Christina: Yeah. What's that supposed to mean?
- 我怎么会知道他想干什么?他的意图总是叫人捉摸不透。 How do I know what he's going to do? His intentions are always as clear as mud.
- 你就开诚布公地说吧,你到底想不想和我合作? Put your cards on the table and tell me if you really want to cooperate with me.
- 你毕业后想干什么? What do you want to do after graduation?
- 不要拿话搪塞我,告诉我你到底想不想和我结婚! Don't give me the runaround. Just tell me if you would marry me or not.
- 这一生你到底想要的是什么? What do you want in your life?
- 现在我已长大,我已22岁了,可我仍然不知道我想干什么工作。哎,真没办法! Here I am; I'm twenty-two, and I don't know what to be. Oh, well!
- 那好,"战士",你到底想对我做什么? Isabel : So, "soldier," what do you intend to do with me?