- 我的小火星人,你到哪里去了?你为什么不告诉我你要去哪里?你已出去三个钟头了! Ali, my little Martian. Where were you? Why didn't you tell me where you were going? You've been gone three hours!
- 你到哪里去了?我都担心死了。 Where have you been? I've been worried sick(= extremely worried).
- 你到哪里去了?我已经等你两个多小时了。 Where have you been? I've been waiting around for you for more than two hours!
- 你到哪里去了?我们原期待你早点来。 D: Hello, Mei-mei, where've you been? We were expecting you earlier.
- 你到底要到哪里去? Wherever are you going?
- 话题一起,他那尤如夏日掠过的闪电点燃心灵之火的想象力又到哪里去了? Where is the kindling fancy that played like summer lightning over any topic that was started?
- 你该回家了,现在就走吧!要不然你父母又不知道你到哪儿去了。 It's time for you to be going home, so you'd better hop along, or your parents will wonder where you have got to.
- 无论你到哪里去都和我没关系。 Wherever you go does not matter to me.
- 你到哪里去理发? Where do you go to get a haircut?
- 你把它藏到哪里去了? Where did you hide it?
- 本想找你到我家来玩电脑游戏,结果你不在。你去哪里里了啊? I wanted you to come over to my house to play computer games, but you were out. Where did you go?
- 我该到哪里去取呢? Where should I come to get it?
- 刚才你到底上哪儿去了? Where on earth have you been just now?
- 到不了明天,咱们就可以出狱了,而且还可以自由自在,想到哪里去就到哪里去。 Before tomorrow we shall be out of prison, and free to go where we will.
- 自从我上次见到你以後, 你到哪儿去了? Where have you been since I last saw you?
- 他喜欢到哪里去,就到哪里去。 He goes wherever he pleased.
- 她渴望知道你到哪里去了。 She is dying to know where you have been .
- 我该到哪里去办理逗留延期? Where can I get a stay extension?
- 她极想知道你到哪儿去了。 She's dying to know where you've been.
- 我开始想到哪里去度我的假日。 I fell to wondering where to go for my holidays.