- 你准备找什么样的工作? What do you think your future position after your study?
- 不对,你要是不明确你想找什么样的工作,人们会认为你什么事也干不好。 D: No, you'll give the impression that you can't do anything well unless you look for something specific.
- 听说你准备找一位明星作产品代言人。 So I hear you are looking for a celebrity to endorse your product.
- 你要是不明确你想找什么样的工作,人们会认为你什么事也干不好。 You'll give the impression that you can not do anything well unless you look for something specific.
- 你想要找什么样的工作呢? What sort of job do you have in mind?
- 准备 prepare
- 找 to try to find
- 找不到 couldn't find
- 让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。 May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.
- 警方下一步准备找其他人谈话,这些人有可能面临指控。 Police wanted to interview other people, who could be charged, he said.
- 他想找工作,但还不知道要找什么样的工作。 He wants to find work,but he has nothing particular in view.
- 找工作 to apply for a job
- 你准备携带入关的物品应该分别列在物品清单中,包括你将来要带进的物品。 Goods imported with you at the time of accounting should be listed separately from goods which are to follow at the later date.
- 什么样的 which type of
- 甄别越南船民的工作,实际上已于一九九四年十月完成。 Screening of Vietnamese migrants was effectively completed in October 1994.
- 哦,我说,你准备让邻居的孩子入校吗? Oh,I said,you're letting the neighbors in,too?
- 只要一个人有正常的判断能力,读什么样的书没有多大关系。 It matter little what kind of book one read, so long as one have sound judgment.
- 我们为你准备了一份加里的员工手册 so we got a, electronic copy of Gary's book with complementory player, as well as
- 你最近的工作一直低于标准。 Your recent work has been below standard.
- 让我们设想突然发生一场罢工,采取什么样的行动才是最恰当的。 Let us imagine that a strike suddenly happens. What would be the most appropriate course of action?