- 你写下来了吗? Did you get that down?
- 我已把大概内容写下来了。你如果有看不懂的地方告诉我。 I wrote down some ideas. Let me know what you cannot read.
- 艺术比赛的计划书你写好了吗?保罗:好了。我熬了一夜,把每一个细节都写进去了。 Joanna: Did you finish your proposal for the art competition? Paulo: Yes. I stayed up the whole night and got it complete down to the last detail.
- 你在信上是怎么署名的? 你写上“忠实于您的”了吗? How did you sign the letter? Did you write "Sincerely yours"?
- 我得赶快把地址给你写下来。 I'll just jot down the address for you.
- 你把电话留言记下来了吗? Did you get that telephone message down?
- 请将你需要洗的衣服放在纸袋中,并将衣物内容写下来。 Please put your laundry in the paper bag and write down the contents of the laundry on it.
- 由于他的体温已经降下来了,我想你的孩子一定能恢复健康。 Now that his temperature has dropped, I'm sure your baby will pick up.
- 你写了这些信了吗? Have you written these letters ?
- 写下来 commit to paper
- 利巴拉里安:先生,你难道没有在这个书房变得更舒服了吗? Librarian: Sir, wouldn't you be more comfortable in a study room?
- 我把她住的街道和牌号都写下来了。 I made a minute of the street and number of her house.
- 哼,除了念念书,你就什么也不会了。大主教,你看懂了吗? Yes, reading is about all you are fit for. Can you make it out, Archbishop?
- 而最要不得的是,我竟在短短六天之前给你写了那封糟糕透顶、不可原谅的信! To cap it all I wrote you that perfectly ghastly, unforgivable letter six short days ago!
- 我把他的电话号码写下来了。 I wrote down his telephone number.
- 你写回信感谢她的邀请了吗? Have you written back yet, thanking her for her invitation?
- 先用尺在纸上划出方格,这样你就能把图精确地摹绘下来了。 Square the page off with your ruler, then you'll be able to copy the drawing accurately.
- 你写完那份财务报告了吗? Have you finished writing the account report?
- “你为什么停顿下来了?”“继续下去。” “Why did you pause?”“Go on.”
- 他的反对理由已经写下来了。 His objections have been reduced to writing.