- 你住在哪间酒店呢? Which hotel are you staying?
- 你住在哪一家大饭店啊? Where hotel are you staying at?
- 你住在哪家酒店? What hotel are you staying at?
- 哪间大学能让你主修温柔呢?你知道吗? Do you know of a university that has a course where you can major in gentleness?
- 他们答道:“拉比(犹太人用语:老师),你住在哪儿?” They said:"rabbi'(which means a teacher),where are you staying?"
- 那么你推荐哪间餐厅呢? Well, where do you suggest?
- 你住在哪儿? Where do you live?
- 你住在哪家饭店? Which hotel are you staying at?
- 千万别想到跟岳母住在一起;可是,万一最坏的事情发生的话,就让岳母跟你住在一起吧。 Do not undertake to live with your mother- in- law, but if worst come to worst, let your mother- in- law live with you.
- 你住在几号房间呢?先生。 What room are you in, sir?
- 你在哪间大学上的法学院?-哈佛。 Where did you go to Iaw schooI? -Harvard.
- 这个故事要追溯到1987年,那时我只有9岁,还住在英国呢。 This story dates back to 1987, when I was only 9 years old and still living in England.
- 要学会预测自己会在哪一步跌倒,这样你就不至于摔跟头。 Be sure where your next step will fall, so that you will not tumble.
- 你住在哪里? Where do you stay?
- 他住在一间大公寓里。 He lives in a huge apartment.
- 你住在公寓的套房里吗? Do you live in a flat ?
- 他住在一间陋屋里。 He lives in a shabby house.
- 你们要住在哪儿呢? Where are you going to live ?
- 他们婚后住在哪里呢? Where will your daughter and her husband be living?
- 如果时间停住了不走了丢下我了那么我会在哪而你又会在哪 If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you