- 你住哪一个旅馆? Which hotel are you staying at?
- 你喜爱住哪一类房子? What type of house would you prefer to live in?
- 你在城里住哪? Where do you keep in town?
- 我们住哪家旅馆呢? Which hotel are we going to stop at?
- 住 to live
- 后天我们会去另外一个旅馆。 We are moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow.
- 你现在住哪? Where do you live now?
- 他买这个仓库是为了将它改建成一个旅馆。 He bought the warehouse with an eye to converting it into a hotel.
- 你住在哪儿? Where do you live?
- 他们想买一座旧农庄把它改建成一个旅馆。 They want to buy the old grange and turn it into a hotel.
- 你知道,我们欢迎你住下。 You know you are welcome to stay.
- 你推荐哪一个? What can this do that this can not?
- 请告诉我们在岛上我们住哪? Please tell us where we can stay on the island?
- 察觉出他不喜欢这样的安排,我又预定了另一个旅馆。 Perceiving that he wasn't happy with the arrangements, I tried to book a different hotel.
- 他们的轿车抛锚后,就租了一辆面包车去下一个旅馆。 When their coach break down, they hired a van to take them to the next hotel.
- 鱼儿或许会爱上鸟儿,但他们要住哪呢? A bird may love a fish, but where would they live?
- 那幢房子不适合你住。 The house is not fit for you to live in.
- 他们的轿车抛锚后,就租了一辆面包车去下一个旅馆。 When their coach broke down,they hired a van to take them to the next hotel.
- 他们答道:“拉比(犹太人用语:老师),你住在哪儿?” They said:"rabbi'(which means a teacher),where are you staying?"
- 夜间很晚我才到了一个小镇,我向一个旅馆接待员询问:“能给我提供一个房间过夜吗?” I arrived at a little town late at night and I asked the receptionist of hotel : "Can you give me a room for the night ?"