- 你会用复印机吗? Can you use the xerox?
- 能教我怎么用复印机吗? Could you show me how to work the photocopier?
- 你会用德语写东西吗? Sing-Song: can you write something in german?
- 会 be able to
- 你会发传真和使用复印机吗? What about operating the fax and duplicators?
- 你会用最热忱的感激崇拜上帝。 You would glorify with the most fervent gratitude the God.
- 请用复印机把这个文件复印10份。 Please run off ten copies of the document on the duplicator.
- 我给你带回来一件小礼物,虽然物微,但我希望你会喜欢。 I brought you back a small present. It's a mere nothing but I hope you like it.
- 你能教我用这台复印机吗? Can you show me how to work the photocopier?
- 会用 use
- 你会说英语吗? Do you speak English?
- 你会用得着雨衣裤的。 You'll need waterproofs(= a waterproof jacket and trousers/pants).
- 你会使用车床吗? Do you know how to use a lathe?
- 逗笑你如此美好,你会用膝盖扣住我 Tickle you so good, you'll buckle up in yo knees
- 别着急,我会用车送你到车站。 Take it easy.I'll run you down to the station.
- 你看你会跳迪斯科舞吗? Think you can do disco?
- 孩子会用筷子了吗? Can the child manage chopsticks now?
- 你会开车床吗? Do you know how to work a lathe?
- 返回到用户模式,你会用哪条命令? Go back into user mode. What command did you use?
- 如果你好,他们圣诞节后就还会用你。 If you're good they might keep you on after Christmas.