- 你会演奏任何乐器嘛?如果不会的话,你又想演奏什么乐器呢? Do you play any musical instruments, if not what would you like to play?
- 你会弹奏任何乐器吗? Do you play any musical instruments?
- 你会演奏小提琴吗? Do you play the violin?
- "别继续以这种节奏节生活:你会得神经衰弱症的。" "Don't carry on living this pace: You'll wind up with a nervous breakdown"
- 我们预计你会成功的。 We expected that you would succeed.
- 我相信你会支持这个计划。 I presume you will approve of the plan.
- 你会一种乐器吗? can you play a musical instrument?
- 你会使用车床吗? Do you know how to use a lathe?
- 我相信你会为离开巴黎而后悔的。 I believe you will regret leaving Paris.
- 你会发现一小堆备用蜡烛。 You will find a little stack of candles in reserve.
- 你看你会跳迪斯科舞吗? Think you can do disco?
- 你会感到惊讶世界上竟有这么多不幸的事情。 You will be surprised there is so much infelicity in the world.
- 你会喜欢汤姆的。他人很好。 You'll like Tom. He's a regular guy.
- 要是不穿大衣你会感到寒气刺骨。 You will be chilled to the bone without your overcoat.
- 服从你的上司,否则你会被解雇。 Obey your boss or you will be fired.
- 我很惊奇你会对这样的行为表示赞同。 I am surprised you give countenance to such conduct.
- 这一套你会我也会。 That's a game two people can play.
- 当你晕船时,你会厌恶油腻的气味。 You loathe the smell of greasy food when you are seasick.
- 我不能担保你会获利。 I can not undertake that you will make a profit.
- 这儿给你点钱,说不定你会需要用的。 Here's some money in case you should need it.