- 你会放风筝吗? Will you fly a kite?
- 你会做风筝吗? Can you make a kite?
- 丹尼会放风筝吗? Can Danny fly a kite?
- 会 be able to
- 珍妮会放风筝吗? Can Jenny fly a kite?
- 我给你带回来一件小礼物,虽然物微,但我希望你会喜欢。 I brought you back a small present. It's a mere nothing but I hope you like it.
- 对比学习和家庭哪样你会放更多时间? Compare to Study and family, which one you will spend more time?
- 你能放风筝吗? Can you fly a kite?
- 你会放枪吗(你枪打得准吗)? Can you shoot (well)?
- 你能给我拿下来树上的风筝吗? Can you reach the kite for me on the tree?
- 你会说英语吗? Do you speak English?
- 他们在放风筝吗? Are they flying kites now?
- 我会放风筝。 I can fly a kite.
- 您喜欢放风筝吗? Do you like kite flying?
- 你会使用车床吗? Do you know how to use a lathe?
- 老师说他对于你的不服从不会放过。 The teacher said that he could not let your disobedience pass.
- 你可以和我一起去放风筝吗? Would you like to fly a kite with me?
- 你看你会跳迪斯科舞吗? Think you can do disco?
- "你忘了,那些北方佬大概连刚出生的小博也不会放过。" "Why, the Yankees might have killed Beau when he was born!"
- 我不会放风筝! I will not fly a kite!