- 你会打扑克牌吗? Do you know how to play poker?
- 你会打网球吗? Do you know how to play tennis?
- 你会逐渐地打薄面板和背板,而在沿着外围的地方会打的更薄吗? Do you taper the tops and backs, are they thinner along the edge?
- 我们可以在这儿玩扑克牌吗? May we play cards here?
- 我认为这场官司你会打赢的。 You will win in that case,I take it.
- 只要你遵守规则,你会打好桥牌的。 You'll play bridge well on condition that you follow the rules.
- "别继续以这种节奏节生活:你会得神经衰弱症的。" "Don't carry on living this pace: You'll wind up with a nervous breakdown"
- 你会摔交吗? Can you wrestle?
- 我们预计你会成功的。 We expected that you would succeed.
- 这个有经验的拳击手不会打赢,他减轻了体重,对手占了10多磅的便宜。 I don't think the experienced fighter will win this fight, he's lost weight and is giving away more than ten pounds.
- 你会演奏小提琴吗? Do you play the violin?
- 稍后,我会打回给你。 I'll probably call back later.
- 我相信你会支持这个计划。 I presume you will approve of the plan.
- 你会启动马达吗? Do you know how to start the motor?
- 要是你们不规矩,我会打你们耳光的。 If you don't behave yourselves I'll box your ears.
- 我相信你会为离开巴黎而后悔的。 I believe you will regret leaving Paris.
- 你会蠢到相信那骗子说的话吗? Are you simple enough to believe what that liar tells you?
- 你会发现一小堆备用蜡烛。 You will find a little stack of candles in reserve.
- 你会日语吗? Do you know any Japanese?
- 你会感到惊讶世界上竟有这么多不幸的事情。 You will be surprised there is so much infelicity in the world.