- 你会什麽运动吗? Do you play any sports?
- 你会什麽运动吗? Do you play any sports?
- 不会 unlikely
- 你会建议什麽清淡的开胃菜? For a light appetizer what do you recommend?
- 你做过风帆冲浪运动吗? Have you ever tried windsurfing?
- 在这样的时候,我什麽都舍得。 At a time like this, I do not grudge a thing.
- 你会使用车床吗? Do you know how to use a lathe?
- "别继续以这种节奏节生活:你会得神经衰弱症的。" "Don't carry on living this pace: You'll wind up with a nervous breakdown"
- 你会摔交吗? Can you wrestle?
- 你什麽时候发现丢了钱包的? When did you first miss your purse?
- 你玩过帆板运动吗? Have you ever tried windsurfing?
- 你会演奏小提琴吗? Do you play the violin?
- 你最近有什麽计画? What are your plans for the immediate future?
- 我们预计你会成功的。 We expected that you would succeed.
- 你对最近的事态发展有什麽评论吗? Have you any comment(s) to make on the recent developments?
- 我相信你会支持这个计划。 I presume you will approve of the plan.
- 你暑假期间去过什麽地方吗? Did you go anywhere during the summer vacation?
- 你能查问出火车什麽时候开吗? Can you find out what time the train leaves?
- 你看你会跳迪斯科舞吗? Think you can do disco?
- 你为什麽乱翻我的文件? Why are you poking about among my papers?