- 我要你们所有的人都保证考试不作弊。 I put you all on your honour not to cheat in the exam.
- 都 all
- 我不在场时,我要你们所有人都保证规规矩矩,不要作弊。 I place you all on your honour not to cheat while I am out of the room.
- 保证 guarantee
- 你们 you
- 都不 neither
- 无论交换链是有窗口的还是全屏的,运行库都保证 Whether the swap chain is windowed or full-screen, the runtime guarantees the semantics implied by a copy-based
- 你们都知道促使我放弃王位的理由。 You all know the reasons which have impelled me to renounce the throne.
- 每次出航前,船员们都保证将一切准备就绪,包括制链器。 Before each voyage, the crew made sure that everything was in order including the controllers.
- 他暗示你们都错了。 He implied that you were all wrong.
- 每次出航前,船员们都保证将一切准备就绪,包括制链器 Before each voyage,the crew make sure that everything is in order including the controller
- 你们都必须仔细听着。 You must all listen carefully.
- 大多数第三方证书都保证密钥不会被破解,如果被破解,他们将负责提供赔偿。 Most third-party certificates come with guarantees that the key will not be broken and offers to pay penalties if it is.
- 你们都疯了吗? Have you all taken leave of your senses?
- 凡我所吩咐的,你们都要谨守遵行,不可加添,也不可删减。 See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it.
- 比如钢铁工人劳动那样重,而蔬菜少、肉类缺,基本条件都保证不了,这样的问题就必须具体地去研究解决。 For instance,steel workers do heavy labour,yet they don't get enough meat and vegetables to eat. This means that even the basics are not guaranteed. Such problems must be concretely studied and solved.
- 你们都必须偕丈夫一起来。 You must all come and bring your husbands.
- 你们都知道,我们使初级卫生保健措施成为广泛协商的焦点。 As you know, we have made the primary health care approach a focus for wide consultation.
- 你们都表示支持这位候选人吗? Do you all come out for this candidate?
- 你们都不准离开。 You are all forbidden to leave.