- 你们要学哪种呢? Which kind of instrument do you want to learn?
- 你们要分开坐还是只点一种呢? Would you like to sit separately or order only one dish?
- 你认为学哪种英语有什么关系吗? Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn?
- "董事长今天要来仓库参观,所以你们要小心点,准备回答任何问题。" "The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- 你更喜欢做哪种呢?歌曲还是器乐? Which do you prefer doing? Songs that have lyrics or songs that are more instrumental?
- 你们 you
- 你在学哪一课? What lesson are you studying?
- 你正在学哪一段历史? Which period of history are you studying?
- 他决心要学英语。 He determined to learn English.
- 一种呢,就是冷冻以后,可以把它再切除掉, The other one is to freeze it first and then resects it.
- 教师走进教室时你们要起立。 Stand up when the teacher enters the classroom.
- 问题就是需要培训,转到哪一行就学哪一行。 All they need is to have some training and to learn something about the trade in which they will be employed.
- 什么是欲望呢?有五种牵动欲望的绳索,那五种呢? What is sensual desire? There are five cords of sensual pleasure. What five?
- 这剧你们要演多少场? How many performances of the play are you giving?
- 如果你们要结婚的话,我建议你们了解烹调的基本知识。 If you two are going to marry, I advise that you need to know the fundamentals of cooking.
- 小男孩拿个木棒乱舞一通,原来是要学孙悟空呢。 The boy wields the wooden stick at random, and it turns out that he wants to act like Sun Wukong.
- 那么你们喜欢喝哪种饮料呢? And what kind of fruit juice would you like to have?
- `你们要提高生产率,不然就把你们解雇!'`这是要挟!' `Increase productivity or lose your jobs.' `That's blackmail!'
- 这里有很多种布鞋,有布底布鞋和红塑料底布鞋,白塑料底布鞋,你喜欢哪一种呢? There are different kinds of cloth shoes. We have cloth shoe-soles and plastic shoe-soles with vermilion or white colours,which one do you prefer?
- 你们要搭火车去吗? Are you going by train?