- 你们要多少瓶? How many would you like?
- 你们要多少呢? How many of them would you like?
- "董事长今天要来仓库参观,所以你们要小心点,准备回答任何问题。" "The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- 你能看到多少瓶啤酒? How many bottles of beer can you see?
- 那针头好大喔!你们要多少血? That needle is huge! How much blood do you need?
- 你能看见多少瓶果汁? How many bottles of juice can yon see?
- 你能看见多少瓶橘汁? How many bottles of orange can yon see?
- 这套单元房你们要多少钱的房租? How much do you charge for the apartment?
- 这个箱子里有多少瓶牛奶? How many bottles of milk are there in the box?
- 教师走进教室时你们要起立。 Stand up when the teacher enters the classroom.
- 你能看见桌子上有多少瓶牛奶? How many glasses of milk can you see on the desk?
- 要多少钱 how much
- 如果你们要结婚的话,我建议你们了解烹调的基本知识。 If you two are going to marry, I advise that you need to know the fundamentals of cooking.
- 不管你狂饮多少瓶可口可乐,你不可能追逐印度猎豹或纵身一跃就飞过科罗拉多大峡谷。 No matter how many Coca-colas you guzzle, you won't be able to chase down a cheetah or leap the Grand Canyon in a single bound.
- `你们要提高生产率,不然就把你们解雇!'`这是要挟!' `Increase productivity or lose your jobs.' `That's blackmail!'
- 你要多少就可拿多少。 You may take as many as you want.
- 如果球员的脚踩到了犯规线,他就是投了犯规球,这一球不论他打倒多少瓶都不算分。 If a player's foot goes over the foul line,he has scored a foul 0n that Ball, and he receive no score regardless of how many pins he knocked down.
- 你们要搭火车去吗? Are you going by train?
- 一桶石油要多少钱? How much does a barrel of oil cost?
- 不管你狂饮多少瓶可口可乐,你不可能追逐印度猎豹或纵身一跃就飞过科罗拉多大峡谷。 No matter how many Coca-colas you guzzle, you won't be able to chase down a cheetah or leap the Grand Canyon in a single bound.