- 你们要分开付帐吗? Do you want to seperate check?
- 我们可以分开付帐吗? Can we have separate checks?
- "董事长今天要来仓库参观,所以你们要小心点,准备回答任何问题。" "The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- 吗 morphine
- 帐户 (bank, computer, etc.) account
- 帐号 account number
- 每一堆要分开洗。 Wash each pile separately.
- 帐 tent
- 教师走进教室时你们要起立。 Stand up when the teacher enters the classroom.
- 帐单 bill
- 是吗 is that right
- `你们要提高生产率,不然就把你们解雇!'`这是要挟!' `Increase productivity or lose your jobs.' `That's blackmail!'
- 他们决定各自付帐。 They decided to go Dutch.
- 页数少过其他书贴,要分开施印的一贴。 Oddment A book section with fewer pages than the others and which has to be printed separately.
- 你打算去跟服务员结帐吗? Are you going to square up with the waiter?
- 帐目 score
- 这是你们要的 There you go.
- 帐款 funds on account
- 发动机和变速箱能分开供应吗? Can the engine and the gearbox be supplied separately?
- 流水帐 waste book