- 你们约好的吗? You have an appointment?
- 那么你们约好什么时候见面呢? So what time did you make it?
- 吗 morphine
- 你们 you
- 你来闻一闻这酒,是好的吗? Have a smell of this wine; is it all right?
- 我只能说,请你们约在这个酒吧见面,这样我才看得到。这一定很好玩! All i can say is meet here at this bar so i can see this. It's going to be interesting.
- 我还有约好的事情,得走了。 Well, I have an appointment now. I think I have to go.
- 你们的 yours
- 真的吗? No kidding?
- 如果约好和女伴儿或者哥们儿与一位异性见面,最后却取消约会仍然算是不合礼貌的。 cancelling on your gal pals or boy buddies for a member of the opposite sexis still uncouth.
- 你的电传机是好的吗? Is you fax machine working?
- 那晚他已和嘉莉杜洛埃约好去看《婚约》,他是回来换衣服的。 It was the evening of his engagement with Carrie and Drouet to see "The Covenant," which had brought him home to make some alterations in his dress.
- 你可记得我们夺回冠军那天晚上,我们是如何欢宴作乐的吗? Do you re member how we pushed the boat out the night that we won back the championship?
- 我们在约好的地方见面。 We met at the agreed place.
- 你能帮我找个好的会计师吗? Could you put me on to a good accountant?
- 这些蛋糕是你们亲手做的吗? Did you make these cakes yourselves?
- 约好去 to promise to go
- 你们吸取群众的智慧是很好的。 You will do well to draw on the wisdom of the masses.
- 你们卖线的吗? Do you sell thread?
- 我们约好去看歌剧. We made a date to go to the opera.