- 你们每件要价多少呢? How much do you charge per unit?
- 你们每件要价多少呢? How much do you charge per unit?
- 每件要价多少呢? How much do you charge per unit?
- 晚安,愿上帝保佑并眷顾你们每一位。 Good night and God bless and keep everyone of you.
- 呢 (question particle)
- 你们 you
- 每件事 everything
- 你要价多少? How much were you taxed?
- 为着大众的利益,我呼吁各位社会领袖,在你们的社区里,大力推广防火运动,令你们每一位邻居和朋友都认识到防火的重要,并身体力行,为自己、家人及邻居搞好防火措施。 In the interests of the general public, I would like to call on the community leaders to promote fire prevention campaigns in your districts so as to instil into everyone in your neighbourhood and all your friends an awareness of the importance of fire prevention, and to spare no efforts in taking precautions for the sake of yourselves, your families and your neighbours.
- 这个你要价多少? How much do you ask for this?
- 每件产品都经过仔细的检查。 Every product under goes a close scrutiny.
- 午餐你要价多少?;这人一条信息就要价100美元。 How much do you charge for lunch? This fellow charges %24100 for a massage.
- 我已将发生的每件事记了下来。 I have set down everything that happened.
- 你们要多少呢? How many of them would you like?
- 这台发热器要价多少? How much cabbage you ant for this heater?
- 她喜欢每件东西都各就各位。 She likes to have everything in place.
- 这台机器你要价多少? How much is your offer for this machine?
- 你们的产品最优惠的价格是多少呢? What's the best price you're prepared to offer for your product?
- 代理主席把每件事都做得恰如其分。 The acting chairman did everything appropriately.
- 别再绕圈子了,快确切地告诉我你要价多少。 Don't beat about the bush, just tell me exactly how much you want for it.