- 你们在聊些什么? What are you folks gabbing about?
- 你们在聊什么? What are you gabbing about?
- 在这些地方,你会聊些什么?写出例子,然后和你的搭档分角色表演。 What small talk would you make in these places?Write examples.Then role play conversation with your partner.
- 嗨,大家好。你们在聊什么? Hi, everyone.What are you talking about?
- 我父亲在中场休息时尽量聊些愉快的事儿,并尽可能多吃东西。 My father tried to make pleasant chitchat and eat as much as he could during halftime.
- 我一点也不懂你们在谈些什么。 I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.
- 这位老者在聊过去的事情。 The old man rambled (on) about the past.
- 没有什么 there's nothing ( ... about it)
- "孩子们在假期做些什么有益活动?" "What do the children do with themselves during the holidays?"
- 我想问一下你们在昨天的报纸上广告招聘色拉配制工的事。这职位还空着吗? I am asking about your ad for a salad hand in yesterday's newspaper. Do you still have that vacancy?
- 你们在旅行中有没有什么令人激动的事情? Were there any exciting incidents during your journey?
- 她没有去想他们可能聊些什么,她只感觉到她必须当心一点,因为赫斯渥对她有一种说不清的吸引力。 She did not try to conjecture what the drift of the conversation would be. She only felt that she must be careful, and that Hurstwood had an indefinable fascination for her.
- 我想问一下你们在昨天的报纸上广告招聘色拉配制工的事。这个职位还空着吗? I'm asking about your ad for a salad hand in yesterday's newspaper. Do you still have that vacancy?
- 有关二十世纪的事你知道些什么? What do you know about the twentieth century?
- 现在,你们在中国,可能愿意像我们中国人一样用筷子。 Now you are in China,you may want to do as we Chinese do and use chopsticks.
- 园艺需要些什么工具? What implements are needed for gardening?
- 希望你们在开箱检查前一个月,将开箱检查日期通知我们。 Please inform us of the date of inspection one month before the open - package inspection.
- 你想要些什么? Do you want something?
- 地不可永卖,因为地是我的,你们在我面前是客旅,是寄居的。 The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.
- 格兰特:你好!苔丝。你好!詹娜。你们在做家庭作业吗? Grant: Hi, Tess. Hi, Jenna. Are you doing your homework?