- 你们在忙碌些什么?有什么新的事情吗? So what have you guys been up to? What's new?
- 什么 what
- 琪恩,萝莎,你们在这里鬼混些什么?快进去烫那几件细洋布衣服。 Jane and Rosa, what are you wasting your time for, here? Go in and attend to your muslins.
- 你们 you
- 忙碌 busy
- 琪恩,萝莎,你们在这里鬼混些什么?快进去烫那几件细洋布衣服。 Jane and Rosa, what are you wasting your time for, here? Go in and attend to your muslins.
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 什么时候 when
- "孩子们在假期做些什么有益活动?" "What do the children do with themselves during the holidays?"
- 如果你们在墙板之间的空隙处糊上墙纸,空隙就看不出来了。 If you paper over the spaces between the wallboards, they won't show.
- 我一点也不懂你们在谈些什么。 I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.
- 你们在旅行中有没有什么令人激动的事情? Were there any exciting incidents during your journey?
- 你想要些什么? Do you want something?
- 有关二十世纪的事你知道些什么? What do you know about the twentieth century?
- 你们在说什么? What are you speaking about?
- 你们在嘘什么? Rachel: What are you shushing?
- 是的。我以前从没去过儿。你能帮我个忙吗?你觉得我在去之前应该做些什么? I know. I've never been there before. Can you help me? What do you think I should do before going?
- 你们在做什么? Hogan: What are you guys doing?
- 你们在哪儿嘀咕什么? What you guys are whispering over there?
- 各种各样的语言连珠炮似的在我耳边响起,根本听不懂他们在说些什么。 The roar of many languages bombarding me seemed unintelligible -- just babble.