- 你们厂雇用多少工人? How many workmen do you employ at your factory?
- "你们能带多少人?" 他喊着,"我们一共12个人。" "How many can you take?" he called. "There are twelve of us."
- "董事长今天要来仓库参观,所以你们要小心点,准备回答任何问题。" "The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- 这些数字的总和是多少? How much do all these figures stack up to?
- 。。。处的。。。公司能提供你们需要的我方的各种情况。 Messrs ... of ... can give you any information you desire about me.
- 某私营蓄电池厂铅污染状况及对工人健康影响的调查 The investigation of lead pollution and influence on workers'health in a private battery factory
- 阿塞纳尔队刚雇用了一名新前锋。 Arsenal have just signed a new striker.
- 成功与长处似无多少关联。 Success seems to have little reference to merit.
- "我能访问你们的大学,感到十分荣幸。" I esteem it an honour to visit your university.
- 磷肥厂 phosphate fertilizer plant
- 一天中我们有多少小时有阳光? How many hours of daylight do we have in a day?
- 临时雇用 casual employment
- 土著工人 indigenous worker
- "关于你的来信,我乐意告诉你,你们将在本周末收到订货。" "Concerning your letter, I am pleased to inform you that you are to receive the order by the end of this week."
- 壶厂 kettle factory
- 运肉工人 meat despatch workma
- 雇用工 hireling
- 40块钱用得还剩多少了? How much of that forty yuan have you left?
- 我喜欢你们学院但我不想报名去你院。 I like your institute but I do not want to enrol.
- 合叶厂 hinge plant