- 你以前的薪水多少? What kind of salary did you get at the previous work?
- 你以前的薪水是多少? What kind of salary did you get at your previous job?
- 如果你们不是很熟的话,问别人薪水多少是很不礼貌的。 It's bad manners to ask other's salary if you are not very familiar.
- 能不能介绍一下你以前的工作经历? Can you tell us a little bit about your previous employment?
- 你为什么想换工作?这个工作跟你以前的工作相比会有什么不一样吗? Why do you want to change jobs? Why will this job be any different from others you have held?
- 薪水多少呢? How much is the salary?
- 那和你以前所说的完全不同,你真的是那种三心二意的人吗? That's completely different from what you were saying before. Are you really that fickle- minded?
- 你希望薪水多少? I: What salary do you expect?
- 这似乎是很久以前的事了,但在60年代中,我对甲壳虫子乐队非常着迷。 It seems a long time ago now, but back in the sixties I was absolutely mad about the Beatles.
- 我可以问薪水多少吗? May I ask about the pay?
- 你以前的邻居被美国联邦调查局通缉;逃犯正被通缉。 Your former neighbor is wanted by the FBI; Uncle Sam wants you.
- 你希望一个月薪水多少? How much do you hope to get a month?
- 那个找工作的小伙子有他的老师和以前的雇主的推荐信。 The boy look for a job have testimonial from his teacher and former employer.
- 天堂是当你有了美国的薪水英国的房子中国的菜肴德国的汽车和一个意大利妻子。 HEAVEN is when you have: An American salary; A British house; Chinese food; A German car; And a Latin wife.
- 你以前的雇主是谁? Who is your past employer?
- 如果你们不是很熟的话,问别人薪水多少是很不礼貌的。 It's bad manners to ask other's salaryif you are not very familiar.
- 这是你以前的房间吗? Is this your room ?
- 原来是说,公司付给你的薪水没有你预想的高。我明白了。 This means the company offered you a salary, salary means money for your job, but you thought it was gonna be higher.
- 他是你以前的同学吗? Was he your classmate ?
- 史前历史学对有最早文字记载历史时期以前的文化的研究 The study of a culture just before the time of its earliest recorded history.