- 你以前去过欧洲吗? Have you ever been to Europe before?
- 你以前去过希腊吗? Have you been to Greece before?
- 蔡先生:约翰逊先生,你以前去过北京吗? Mr. Cai: Mr. Johnson. Have you ever been to Beijing before?
- 比娜:是啊。你以前去过温哥华吗? Bina: Yes, I am. Have you been to Vancouver before?
- 你曾经去过欧洲吗? Have you ever been to Europe?
- 他隐瞒了他曾经去过欧洲的事实。 He hid the fact that he had gone to Europe.
- 把你以前成功运用外语工作 Show Previous Occasions You have Worked Effectively in a Second Language
- 你以前一直是个懂规矩的小伙子。 You used to be such a polite little boy.
- 我从没去过欧洲。 I have never been to Europe.
- 你恰好与你以前说的自相矛盾。 You've just contradicted yourself(= said the opposite of what you said before).
- 据说李郝去过欧洲。 It is said that Li Hao has been to Europe.
- 你现在说和你以前向我们作的承诺有矛盾。 Your present remarks are in contradiction with the assurance you gave us previously.
- 我想您去过欧洲吧。 I expect you have been to Europe.
- 你以前一直想当演员吗? Did you always want to be an actor?
- 她去过挪威和西班牙,但她没有出过欧洲。 She has been to Norway and Spain,but she has not been outside Europe.
- 在我扔掉他们以前,你要过目一下吗? Would you like to look through any of these before I throw them away?
- 我去过挪威和西班牙;但我还没有出过欧洲。 I have been to Norway, and to Spain; but I have not been outside Europe.
- 我们是两个星期以前去的。 We went there about two weeks ago.
- 去看电影你以为怎么样? (或: 去看电影好吗?) How about going to a movie?
- 他从前去过美国。 He went to America once upon a time.