- 你付了器材租金了吗? Do you pay the equipment charter fee?
- 在头等仓里有会得到最优质的服务,但你付了相应的钱了。 First class You get the best service in first class, but you pay for it.
- 佣人的工钱你付了吗? Have you paid the servant?
- 他们敲了你多少钱? (你付了多少?) How much did they screw you for? ie How much did you have to pay?
- 假如承租人还是拒不缴付,出租人就可以请求法院强制其缴纳租金了。 If tenant still is refus not capture pays, lessor can request a court to enforce its pay hire.
- 你清偿租金了吗? Have you tendered the amount of rent.
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。 "And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 人们就认为你付了汇水,并说汇兑对英国不利,对法国有利。 You are supposed to give a premium, and exchange is said to be against England, and in favour of France.
- 我们得付租金了,不然会被赶出去。 We had to fork up money for our rent or face eviction.
- 你自己看:一项精密的机械装置割开你眼角膜的一小片,看到了吗? See for yourself: A precision mechanical device slices a flap in your cornea, see?
- 我替你付了钱。 I paid the money on your behalf.
- 你看到加里新买的那辆菲拉里牌汽车了吗?真是太不寻常了。 Have you seen the new Ferrari that Gary has bought? It's quite something.
- 你付了出租车多少钱? How much did you pay for the taxi?
- 你好,彼得。很高兴又见到你。好久没见了。一切都好吗? Hello, Peter. Good to see you again. It's been a long time. How's everything going?
- 那本书你付了多少钱? How much did you pay for that book?
- "你去游泳吗?" "不,我得了感冒。" "Are you going swimming?" "I should coca! I've got a cold."
- 这些猪肉你付了多少钱? How much did you pay for the pork?
- 你开始调查工厂了吗?我很高兴我们没有先试图设立自己的工厂。 Have you begun to investigate factories? I'm so glad we aren't going to try to run our own factory at first.
- 付了几笔钱让他高兴,好让他做自己的事时别管别人的事。 Monies were paid to keep him happy,so he wouldn't do his job and look over their shoulders.
- 你付小费给那个服务生了吗 Did you tip the bellboy