- 你从未去过纽约?你真是白活了! You've never been to New York? You haven't lived!
- 如果你从来未去过巴黎,你首先应该去那儿。 If you've never been there, you should go first to Paris.
- 我们从未去过俄罗斯。 We've never been to Russia.
- 你去过纽约吗? Have you ever been to the Big Apple?
- 他们从未去过那城市。 They have never been to that city.
- 滚开!我已经借了很多钱给你了,可你从未还过。 Get lost! I've already lent you a lot of money and you never pay me back.
- 谈到旅行,你到过纽约吗? Talking of travel, have you ever been to New York?
- 你从这些观察中能得出什么结论? What can you conclude from these observations?
- 他说他去过纽约。 He said he had been to New York.
- 你从谁那儿知道他生病了? From whom did you learn that he was ill?
- 未经处理的动物尸体;未去脏的屠体 undressed carcass
- 那位英雄从未向敌人屈服。 The hero never bent his knee to the enemy.
- 你从公司回家时,能顺便来呆一会儿吗? Can you stop by for a moment on your way home from your firm?
- 我以前没有去过纽约,简也没去过。 I hadn't been to New York before and neither had Jane.
- 司机与那起案件有牵连一事从未得到证实。 The driver's implication in the crime was never proved.
- 他既聪明又小气,你从他那里是根本骗不到钱的。 He is wise and miserly and you cannot skin him out of money.
- 你到法国去过几次? How many times have you been to France?
- "我过去的那台计算机没完没了地出故障,它从未好好地运行过。" I had interminable problems with my last computer; it never worked well.
- 如果你从以东部时间计时的纽约到以大平洋时间计时的加利福尼亚,有三小时时差。 If you go from Eastern time in New York to pacific time in Califomia,there is a difference of three hours.
- 你去过凯旋门吗? Have you been to the Triumphal Arch?