- 你从日本来吗?或者可能你是韩国人? Are you from Japan? Or maybe you are a Korean.
- 是从日本来的。 They are from Japan.
- 你从美国来吗? Are you from the States?
- 日本 Japan
- 你从很远的地方来吗? Do you come a long way from here?
- 卡内基先生写信告诉我你要到日本来。 Carnegie wrote to me that you'll go to Japan.
- 他经日本来中国。 He come to China by way of Japan.
- 你从材料里能看出点眉目来吗? Can you tell anything from the text?
- 你从这儿能看出那是谁吗? Can you,standing here,tell who that man is?
- 我们管从日本来的人称日本人。 We call people from Janpan Japanese.
- 你的意思是说你不来吗? Do you mean to say you are not coming?
- 你从医院被解雇,你跟他们斗争过吗? Did you lay about them for your discharge from the hospital?
- 这是我们驻远东记者就地震从日本发来的对应报导。 Here is our Far East correspondent reporting from Japan on the earthquake.
- 你从ABC公司拿到钱了吗? Did you collect from ABC Company?
- 你明天能来吗? Are you able to come tomorrow?
- 你从那本书中受益很多吗? Did you get much benefit from the book?
- it?你能来吗? Can you make
- 请你从厨房里拿启子给我,好吗? Get me an opener from the kitchen, will you?
- 我也许错了。你能到这边来吗? I could be wrong. Could you come over here?
- 听着!我要你从实说来。 Listen! I want you to tell the truth.