- 你从哪儿知道这件事的? Where did you know about this?
- 我想知道这件事的一些情况。 I would like to know something about it.
- 你是又一个问我这件事的人(已有很多人问过这件事了). You're the nth person to ask me that, ie Many others have asked me the same thing.
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 我希望你只让家人知道这件事。 I'd prefer you to keep this information within the family,ie known only by members of the family.
- "很抱歉在这个时候给你打电话。" "I am sorry to call you this time of the day."
- 公从传真业务 autofax
- "母亲需要休假。你是知道的,这些孩子们的确让她忙得不可开交了。" "Mother needs a holiday: the children do run her feet, you know."
- 从两边包过去 surround from both sides
- 转变至劣于从前的情况 Deteriorate to a state that is worse than before
- "别继续以这种节奏节生活:你会得神经衰弱症的。" "Don't carry on living this pace: You'll wind up with a nervous breakdown"
- 从财政上支持一项事业。 support financially in an enterprise.
- "你的假期过得怎样?" -- "嗯,也有玩得不错的时候。" "How was your holiday?" - "Well, it had its moments."
- "从罐子里倒粉出来要轻点。我们不得搞得满屋都是粉。" "Knock the powder out of the tin gently. We don't want it all over the room."
- "坚持住,吉姆,别让史蒂夫超过你!" "Stick it, Jim; don't let Steve get ahead of you."
- 如果国共两党能共同完成这件事,蒋氏父子他们的历史都会写得好一些。 If the KMT and the CPC can join efforts to complete it, Chiang kai-shek and his son will have a better place in history.
- 毕业生们从校长手里接过毕业证书。 The graduates received their diplomas at the hands of the principal.
- 如果出现了罢工,公众理应知道政府部门会随时采取任何必要的行动。 If the industrial action takes place,it is right that the public should know that the Government stand ready to take whatever action is necessary.
- "今晚你在家里吃饭吗?" 她母亲问道。 "Are you eating in tonight?" asked her mother.