- 你从事哪一行的职业? What line of business are you in?
- 你从事哪一行? What business are you in?
- 你从事哪一种工作? What kind of work do you do?
- 最大多数的早期欧洲殖民是从事哪一种工业捕鱼和皮货买卖。 In which type of industry did most early European settlers work The fishing industry and fur trade.
- 答:这并不是说你从事哪项运动,在最初的几个兴趣不会帮你减肥;而是你不应该那么快的就期待一个变动特大的结果。 A: It's not that exercise isn't helping you to lose any weight in those first weeks. But you shouldn't expect to see dramatic results immediately.
- 我无法回答你有关摄影的问题。我不做那一行。 I can't answer your question about photography. It's not in my domain.
- 什么原因使你从事计算机这一行的? What made you decide to get into computers?
- 美地人与从欧洲移民最初一起从事哪类行业? Q:In what industry did the Metis first work with European settlers?
- 我很高兴你决定不干演戏这一行了。 I'm glad you decided against a career as an actress.
- 假如你有工作经验,那么你从事过何种与你现在要找的工作有关的工作? What work experience,if any,have you had that related your job objectives?
- 他干哪一行? What's his line?
- 你是否已安排安好,坐哪一趟车回家? Have you arranged by which train you are going home?
- 不管你是谁,在哪里,从事哪种职业,都离不开水。 No matter who we are,where we are,or what we do,we are all dependent on water.
- 请在这一行上填上你的预期停留时间。 Please fill in your intended length of stay on this line.
- 你是干哪一行的? What is your line?
- 你从事这工作已有一段时间了,richard。 You have been working on this for some time, Richard.
- 先生,你干哪一行? What do you do, sir?
- 在圣公会家庭长大对你从事诗歌创作有影响吗?你本人就写过一首赞美诗呀。 Interviewer: Did growing up in the Episcopal Church have any poetic influence on you? You've written a hymn yourself.
- 不论你是从事哪一个行业,能够众人面前声音洪亮并且清楚的发表演讲,是你事业起步的最佳技能。 No matter what your profession, the ability to speak up and present well is a career-advancement skill.
- 问题就是需要培训,转到哪一行就学哪一行。 All they need is to have some training and to learn something about the trade in which they will be employed.