- 你从事哪一种工作? What kind of work do you do?
- 最大多数的早期欧洲殖民是从事哪一种工业捕鱼和皮货买卖。 In which type of industry did most early European settlers work The fishing industry and fur trade.
- 你从事哪一行的职业? What line of business are you in?
- 你从事哪一行? What business are you in?
- 团体,帮:一群在一种工作或一个领导者之下组织起来的劳动者 A group of laborers organized together on one job or under one foreperson
- 至于积极的爱--那是一种工作和耐心,对于某些人也许是一门完整科学。 But active love is labour and fortitude, and for some people too, perhaps, a complete science.
- 答:这并不是说你从事哪项运动,在最初的几个兴趣不会帮你减肥;而是你不应该那么快的就期待一个变动特大的结果。 A: It's not that exercise isn't helping you to lose any weight in those first weeks. But you shouldn't expect to see dramatic results immediately.
- 一种工作项类型,用于记录开发任务或测试任务。 A type of work item that records a development task or test task.
- 那么你想干哪种工作? Then what kind of job do you want?
- 不管你是谁,在哪里,从事哪种职业,都离不开水。 No matter who we are,where we are,or what we do,we are all dependent on water.
- 假如你有工作经验,那么你从事过何种与你现在要找的工作有关的工作? What work experience,if any,have you had that related your job objectives?
- 这些野生水果有哪一种是安全可吃的吗? Is any of these wild fruits safe to eat?
- 你要哪一种混合咖啡? Which blend of coffee would you like?
- ·假如你有工作经验,那么你从事过何种与你现在要找的工作有关的工作? .What work experience, if any, have you had that related your job objectives?
- 我们提供火煺或腌肉夹蛋,您喜欢哪一种? We serve ham or bacon with your eggs. Which do you like better?
- 哪一种是连初学者也能玩的最普遍的赌博? What may be the most popular type of gambling that a beginner can enjoy?
- 在你所从事过的工作中,哪一项工作最无关紧要? What was the least relevant job you have held?
- 蕨类植物有许多不同的种类,无论哪一种都不长花。 There are many different types of fern, none of which produce flowers.
- 你认为哪一种是最有用的发明。 Which of these do you think is the most useful invention?
- 无论哪一种情况,物体都不再保持平衡。 In either case, the body does not remain in equilibrium.