- 你今年要到哪里休假? Where are you going for your holidays this year?
- 你今年要到哪里去度假? What do you want to go on vacation this year?
- 你今年要到什么地方去吗? Are you going to go any place this year?
- 你今年要好好学习。 You must get down to your studies this year.
- 我的签证即将到期, 所以我必须换新它, 我应该到哪里呢? My visa will expiration soon so I must renew it. Where should I go?
- 说到旅游,你今年要去什么好玩的地方吗? Speaking of travelling,(= referring back to a subject just mentioned)are you going anywhere exciting this year?
- 列车长: 您的车票买到哪里? How far is your ticket available?
- 他们从哪里来又回到哪里去了。 They returned whence they had come.
- "即使在提早停止营业日,有些商店也要到下午才关门。" Some of the shops are not shut until in the evening even on early closing day.
- 在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的圣诞比往年更璀璨。 In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.
- 今年要重点检查上市公司建立现代企业制度的情况,找出存在问题,认真加以解决。 This year we need to concentrate on examining the modern corporate system established in listed companies to uncover problems and solve them.
- 没有必要到哪里都是老是闷闷不乐,你的处境必定会很快好起来的。 There's no need to walk round with a long face all the time; things are bound to improve for you soon.
- 别让任何人或事,抢掠你,抢掠你今年的圣诞。 Dont let anyone; dont let anything rob you, of Christmas this year.
- 别着急,现在我们不必赶着去商店。商店要到深夜才关门呢, Hold your horses! We don't have to rush to the shop now. It's open till late tonight.
- 她今年要应对猛增的政府征税。 She is anticipating a tax hike this year.
- 比尔要到飞机场送行。 Bill will see off to the airport.
- 今年要进一步扩大退耕还林规模,推进休牧还草,我们要加快宜林荒山荒地造林步伐。 More land will be restored to forests this year than before,and rest-grazing will be promoted. We will quicken the pace of planting trees on barren hills and uncultivated land wherever possible.
- 菲尔·唐恩的一流移动厕所,每辆价值6万美元,无论你走到哪里它都会跟到哪里,而且设计讲究。 Phil Dunne's topshelf mobile rest rooms cost %2460,000 each,but they go where you go-- and in high style.
- 小道消息称,刘德华今年要结婚。 An unconfirmed source reports that Andy Lau will get married this year.
- 他假装要到左边而跑到右边。 He feinted to the left and ran to the right.