- 你今天想做交易吗? Do you want to do trading today?
- 梅,你今天想做什么?我想去散步。 A: What would you rather do today, Mei? I'd rather go for a walk.
- 你今天想做什么? What do you feel like doing today?
- 我必须亲自做交易吗? Must I do trading in person?
- 做 to do
- 你今天想出去吗? Do you want to go out today?
- 外国公民可以在你们股市做交易吗? Is a foreign citizen allowed to do trading in your securities market?
- 你今天想早点歇工吗? Do you want to knock off early today?
- 你记得跟巴里?罗斯金的那次交易吗? Do you recall making that deal with Barry Ruskin?
- "不,请给我一杯威士忌," 约翰尼回答说,因为他现在最想做的事就是喝醉。 "No, a whisky, please, " Johnny replied, for he wanted more than anything in the world to get drunk.
- 你今天想买点什么? What are you going to have today?
- 如果我让你看一下比你更低的报价,你能终止那个价格交易吗? If I show you a offer lower than yours, would you be able to conclude transaction at that price?
- 科比想被交易吗? Kobe Bryant's demand for a trade?
- 你今天想做些什么? So what do ya wanna do today?
- 如果我方给你方一个更低的价格,你方能取消以那种价格交易吗? If I show you a offer lower then yours, would you be able to conclude transaction at that price?
- 你今天晚上有空吗? Are you free this evening?
- 你想做什么? What do you feel like doing?
- 能够和您做一次易物交易吗? Could I do a barter trade with you?
- 我不想对你发号施令,但我想你今天应该完成这项工作。 I don't like to pull rank on you, but I think you ought to complete that, work today.
- 当温迪追上来时,我生气地告诉她,“瞧着如果你不介意,我今天想一个人呆一会儿。 "Look, if you don't mind," I said crossly when Windy caught up with me, "I'd rather be alone today.