- 你今天去棒球比赛吗? You going to the baseball game today?
- 你今天去办公室吗? Are you going to the office today?
- 不过,马歇尔补充说,在时下快节奏的社会里,在孩子身上多花钱和带他们去棒球比赛或其他活动相比要来得更便利些。 But, adds Marshall, spending money is also often more convenient in our fast-paced society than going to baseball games or other activities.
- 吗 morphine
- 你今天去也好, 明天去也好, 关系不大. It won' t make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.
- 你看了棒球比赛吗? A: Did you see the basketball game?
- 如果你今天去参观内布拉斯加州,你决不会相信那儿曾经是一片光秃秃的大草原。 A visitor to Nebraska today wouldn′ t believe that the state was once a treeless plain.
- 你喜欢这场棒球比赛吗? A:Did you enjoy the baseball game?
- 你今天去还是明天去,这是不一样的. It's not same that you go there today or morrow.
- 昨晚的棒球比赛中你看到有什么有趣的精彩场面吗? Did you see any action in yesterday's ballgame?
- 你今天去做好事,人们往往明天就会忘记; You did a good turn today, people usually would forget tomorrow;
- 你今天晚上有空吗? Are you free this evening?
- 就想开个这样的宴会?你不想去看场棒球比赛? NmZA IS that what you want? Wouldn't you like to go to a baseball game instead?
- 您今天去旅馆签账单吗? Have you signed any bills at the restaurants today.
- 你今天疯了吗? Are you out to lunch today?
- 有今天去利兹的火车票吗? Is there a train ticket for Leeds today?
- 你今天看到他了吗? Do you see him today?
- 你已经得到准许今天去忏悔吗? Have you got leave to go to shrift to-day?
- 如果你今天晚上去参加舞会,那就挑选一件晚会上穿的衣服吧。 If you go to the party tonight, look out a dress for it.
- 你今天下午三点钟能来吗? Could you come at tree this afternoon?