- 你买了一双鞋吗? Have you bought a pair of shoes?
- 孩子的母亲给他买了一双鞋吗? Did the boy's mother buy a pair of shoes for him ?
- 设想你买了一本英文词典,发现有这样那样的质量问题,书店的服务态度又不好, according to the guidelines given below in Chinese.
- 那孩子的母亲给他买了一双鞋吗? Did the boy's mother buy a pair of shoes for him?
- 我刚刚才给你买了一匹马,现在你又说还想要一辆车。你还想要什么? I've just bought you a horse,and now you say you want a car too. Do you want jam on it?
- 我妻子在那家百货商店买了一双鞋。 My wife bought a pair of shoes in the stores.
- 您想试试这双鞋吗? Do you want to try these shoes on?
- 什么支配你买了这间房子;她怒不可遏。 What possessed you to buy this house? A terrible rage possessed her.
- 我买了一双结实的靴子。 I bought a pair of stout boots.
- 这双鞋不合脚--还有别的鞋吗? These shoes don't fit haven't you got any others?
- 你买那辆车时,他们欺骗了你,它至少每星期出一次故障。 They sold you a pup when you bought that car;it breaks down at least once a week.
- 这双鞋不合脚--还有别的鞋吗? These shoes don't fit ---- haven't you got any others?
- 我花了50便士在汽车行李箱出售处买了一架旧的方镜箱照相机。 I bought an old box camera for fifty pence at a car boot sale.
- 大家都知道你买了投资信托公司的短期股票。 Everyone knows that you have bought investment trust for the short haul.
- 他把皮子裁剪好,发现它刚好够做一双鞋。 So he cut it out and found it would make just one pair.
- 你买了几本书? How many books have you bought ?
- 你想买鞋吗? Do you want to buy shoes?
- 我在教堂的旧杂货义卖上买了一批杂货,基中包括那只壶。 I bought that jug as part of a job lot at the church jumble sale.
- 你需要再有一双鞋。 You will need a second pair of shoes.
- 你买了定期车票了吗? We'll provide you with transportation expenses.