- 你为何只去泡酒吧?跟我一起玩儿不好吗? Why do you just hang out in bars? Why don't you hang out with me instead?
- 我们点了两壶咖啡,你为何只拿一壶来? We ordered two pots of coffee,Why did you bring only one pot?
- 你上星期有去泡温泉吗?你看起来好放松! Did you go to the spa last weekend? You look so relaxed!
- 本文讨论的重点为,为何只有第二版第二次印刷,不见第二版第一次印刷。 Moreover, I will try to discuss the differences of these two editions in its basic structure, addition and erasion of the annotations, interpretations and material sources.
- 他到俱乐部去泡妞。 He goes to clubs to pick up girls.
- 必须去做一次,你只去这一回。 Once will have to do. You can go just this once.
- 你为何总是对于你的失败念念不忘而自我折磨呢? Why do you agonize yourself with the thought of your failure?
- 我要去泡个澡。 I'm going to go and soak in the bath.
- 您不奇怪印尼的马来人为何只攻击华人店铺,而不攻击马来人的、美裔印尼人的、英裔印尼人的、或者阿拉伯裔印尼人的呢? Have you wonder w hy the Indonesian Malay only attacked the Chinese shops, an d not the Malay, American, British, or Arabian businesses ?
- 你为何特别选了那一天? Why did you choose that day in particular?
- 涂硅去泡海绵 silicone-coated defoaming sponge
- 你为何烦恼? What are you fretting about?
- 爸名义上是卫理公会教徒,可只去教堂参加婚礼和葬礼。 Dad, nominally a Methodist, entered Churches only for weddings and funerals.
- 你为何对我的事这么感兴趣? Why should you be so interested in my affairs?
- 医生建议她经常去泡海水浴,这对她的健康有益。 The Doctor always suggests that she go sea-bathing, which is good for her health.
- 你为何这么激动? What are you so excited about?
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- 他们大多数的周末都去泡夜总会。 They go clubbing most weekends.
- 你为何说那样的话? What brought you to say that?
- 开始,一次只去一两个星期。 At first,it was just for a week or two at a time.