- 你为何不来吃午饭? Why don't you come round for lunch?
- 你为何不在报上登个广告来卖掉你的汽车? Why don't you put an ad in the paper to sell your car?
- 明天请你来吃午饭,好吗? Would you like to come to have lunch tomorrow?
- 看见那个穿红裙子的姑娘了吗?你为何不去请她跳个舞?也许你会交上好运。 See that girl in the red skirt-why don't you ask her for a dance? You never know your luck.
- 周末如果你有空,为何不来与我们呆在一起。 Why don't you come and stay with us at the weekend if you're at a loose end.
- 明天你能来吃午饭吗? Can you have lunch tomorrow?
- 别让托尼盛气凌人地对待你,你为何不更多地显示威力呢? Don't let Tony walk all over you like that; why don't you assert yourself more?
- 如果这块土地真是属于你的,你为何不提出产权的要求? If the land really belongs to you, why don't you set up a claim to it?
- 你干吗不来和我们一起吃午饭? Why do not you come over for dinner?
- 你为何不拦这球呢? Why didn'tyou block it?
- 明天你来吃午饭,好吗? Will you come to lunch tomorrow?
- 小组长责问他为何不来开会。 The group leader called him to account for his absence from the meeting.
- 看见那个穿红裙子的姑娘了吗?你为何不去请她跳个舞?也许你会交上好运。 See that girl in the red skirt-why don't you ask her for a dance? You never know your luck.
- 他坚持我要留下来吃午饭。 He insisted that I should stay to lunch.
- 你为何不和杰克约会? Why don't you go out with Jack?
- 我们在12点钟停止工作来吃午饭。 We stop working to have lunch at 12 o'clock.
- 你为何不跟我一起去? download Why don't you go with me?
- 你为何不直接驳斥他说我们政府是泥足巨人的论点呢? Why don't you directly refute his thesis that our government is a colossue with feet or clay?
- 他总是在固定的时间来吃午饭。 He always comes for lunch at a fixed time.
- 教练问汤姆为何不来参加篮球选拔赛。 The coach asked Tom why he didn't come out for basketball.