- 你为什么总是责备她呢?这很不礼貌。 Why do you have to bag at her all the time; this is so impolite.
- 我希望你不介意我这么问,但你为什么总是戴那条白色领带呢? I hope you don't mind my asking, but why do you always wear that white tie?
- 他总是责备她的丈夫,因为他不帮她干家务活。 She is always getting at her husband for not helping with the housework .
- 你为什么总是不尊重我的愿望呢? Why do you so seldom regard my wishes ?
- 她 she
- 她总是责备她的丈夫,因为他不帮她干家务活。 She is always getting at her husband for not helping with the housework.
- 你为什么总是盯着玛莉莎看呢? Why are you always staring at Melissa?
- 他总是责备他的妻子。 He's always getting at his wife.
- 你为什么这样无礼地把她推开?我还以为你爱她呢! Why do you thrust her from you so unkindly? I thought you loved her!
- 你为什么总是找我麻烦? Why are you always pecking at me?
- 今天你为什么不上班呢? How come you are not at work today?
- 你为什么总是小题大做? Why do you always have to make a mountain out of a molehill?
- 你为什么总是来得这么晚? How comes it that you are always so late?
- 你为什么责备你的儿子? Why did you drop on to your son?
- 她为什么总是逃脱责任? Why does she always flee any kind of responsibility ?
- 为什么你要因为上帝赐予她的头发而惩罚她呢? Why should you punish her for the way God made her hair?
- 你为什么总是要带那份文件? Why did you want to carry that document about with you all the time?
- 你为什么不同她谈谈呢? Why don't you talk to her about it?
- 你为什么总是和我争吵? Why do you always side against me?
- 你为什么总是怕产生变化呢? Why do you always shrink back from the possibility of change?