- 你为什么总是小题大做? Why do you always have to make a mountain out of a molehill?
- 既然直发更适合你的脸型,你为什么总是将头发做成大波浪? Why do you always set your hair in large waves,when it suits your face to wear it in a straight style?
- 我希望你不介意我这么问,但你为什么总是戴那条白色领带呢? I hope you don't mind my asking, but why do you always wear that white tie?
- 你干吗总是小题大做呢? Why do you have to make such a meal of everything?
- 你为什么总是不尊重我的愿望呢? Why do you so seldom regard my wishes ?
- 你为什么总是找我麻烦? Why are you always pecking at me?
- 你为什么总是责备她呢?这很不礼貌。 Why do you have to bag at her all the time; this is so impolite.
- 你为什么总是来得这么晚? How comes it that you are always so late?
- 你为什么总戴墨镜? Why always do you put on the sunglasses?
- 她为什么总是反胃呢? Why does she keep regurgitating?
- 你为什么责备你的儿子? Why did you drop on to your son?
- 我为什么总是受到冷落? Why am I always left out in the cold?
- 你为什么叹气? What are you sighing about?
- 我为什么总是冲动? Why do I always do things in a rush?
- 你为什么总是怕产生变化呢? Why do you always shrink back from the possibility of change?
- 我不明白她为什么总是干扰那件事,这和她一点关系都没有。 I don't know why she keeps interfering,it has nothingto do with her.
- 你为什么对我这么不客气? Why are you so unkind to me?
- 他为什么总是对你严加斥责? Why does he always jump down your throat?
- 你为什么这样讨厌吃这种药呢? Why do you dislike the medicine so much?
- 你为什么老想把你自己的想法强加给我呢? Why are you always trying to cram your own ideas down my throat?