- 你为什么干那件事? What did you do that for(= Why did you do that)?
- 他们为什么干那件事仍然让我费解。 Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me.
- 至今我仍不明白她为什么干那件事。 To this day,I still don't know why she did it.
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 你为什么干这种古怪事啊? Why do you do such a strange thing?
- 谁都无法判断他为什么干那事。 Nobody can judge why he did it.
- 你为什么为这件事这般紧张忙乱? Why are you making so much ado about it?
- 2你为什么劝她去做那件事? Why did you persuade her to do that thing?
- 在那件事上她很幸运。 She was lucky in that regard.
- 他决不会干那件事。 He is the last man to do it.
- 他做那件事完全出于善意。 He did it out of pure benevolence.
- 对那件事他的行为确属无情。 His behavior on that occasion was extremely callous.
- 他刚一说完我们要干那件工作就出国了,留下我一个干这份苦差事。 No sooner had he said that we would do the job than he went abroad,leaving me holding the baby.
- 那件事一瞬间就过去了。 The incident was over in a twinkle.
- 那件事可以暂时搁置一下。 That matter can wait.
- 那件事正在考虑之中。 That matter is under consideration.
- 有一件事我想知道,那就是为什么你这么仇视制药行业。 One thing I'd like to know is why you hate the pharmaceutical industry so much.
- 那件事办起来像没个完似的。 It seemed an endless undertaking.
- 她坚决声明她不曾做过那件事。 She protested that she had never done it.
- 那件事你本应昨天就告诉我。 You ought to have told me that yesterday.