- 你为什么取消了旅行?罗斯:因为天气不好。 Tom: Why did you cancelled the trip? Rose: Because of the bad weather.
- (你为什么取消了这个项目?) Why did you cancel the project?
- 足球赛为什么取消? Why was the football match called off?
- 你为什么不先戒烟等你的咳嗽好了一些后再说? Why don't you lay off smoking for a while until your cough gets better?
- 政府取消了对加薪的官方限制,这就是为骤然而来的要求增加工资的潮水打开了闸门。 The removal of the government's official limits on pay increases has opened the flood gates for a rush of demands for higher wages.
- 你为什么总戴墨镜? Why always do you put on the sunglasses?
- 这是十分严肃而又重要的事。你为什么中途改变计划了? It is very serious and important, Why do you change horses in midstream.
- 因为天气不好,他们的旅行计划取消了。 Their travel plan was cancelled because of the bad weather.
- 你为什么责备你的儿子? Why did you drop on to your son?
- 你为什么叹气? What are you sighing about?
- 倘若我告诉你,我们的计划已经被取消了,你会有什么意见? What would you say if I told you our plan had been canceled?
- 你为什么总是怕产生变化呢? Why do you always shrink back from the possibility of change?
- 你为什么对我这么不客气? Why are you so unkind to me?
- 对不起,我不太明白你的话。是不是说这次航班已经取消了? Sorry,I'm not quite with what you said. Does it mean the flight has been canceled?
- 你为什么这样讨厌吃这种药呢? Why do you dislike the medicine so much?
- 你为什么老想把你自己的想法强加给我呢? Why are you always trying to cram your own ideas down my throat?
- 你为什么有一点小麻烦便来找我? Why do you come to me with every little difficulty?
- 你为什么为这件事这般紧张忙乱? Why are you making so much ado about it?
- 你为什么把所有的画都取下来了? Why do you all take off all drawings?
- 你为什么在这个鬼时候叫醒我? Why do you wake me up at this unearthly hour?