- 你为什么不颠倒黑白呢? Why don't you talk black into white.
- 你为什么不请教吉尔呢?她很精通家犬饲养。 Why don't you ask Gill? She's well up on dog breeding.
- 你为什么不打开窗子让房间通通风呢? Why don't you open the windows so that the room can air?
- 你为什么不点那个呢,妈?"我问道:"我知道你很喜欢吃龙虾了。 Why don't you order that, Mom?"I asked."I know how much you like lobster.
- 你为什么不能较宽容地对待这个可怜的孩子呢? Why don't you let up on the poor child?
- 你为什么不效法安妮,也把头发剪短些呢? Why don't you take a leaf out of Anne's book and have you hair cut shorter?
- 你为什么不想想看我们做父母的心情呢? Why will not you try to understand how we parents feel?
- 你为什么不把你的包裹交给我替你带呢? Why do not you give your parcel to me to carry ?
- 你为什么不现在就用棉球擦洗一下伤口呢? Why do not you sponge the wound now ?
- 你为什么不从这棵树上折一根树枝做手杖呢? Why don't you break a branch off the tree and make a walking stick?
- 你为什么不找个职业不再依靠你的父母呢? Why don' t you find a job and end this dependence upon your parents ?
- 你为什么不随便哪天晚上过来喝杯酒什么的呢? Why don't you come round for a drink or something one evening?
- 你为什么不在那张揉面的桌子上做发面饼呢? Why don't you mix your biscuit on the pastry table, there?
- 你为什么不去参加一个有氧健身班呢? Why don't you attend an aerobic class?
- 你为什么不放弃吃甜食来减少体重呢? Why don't you give up sweets to lose weight?
- 多好的一件衣服啊,你为什么不穿上看看大小呢? What a lovely dress-why don't you try it on for size?
- 那你为什么不早告诉我?餐厅的地址呢? Well,why do not you tell me? ! Now,what's the restaurant's address?
- 是呀。你为什么不送给他一只风筝呢? Oh yes. Why don't you give him a kite?
- 你不能开口说话吗?你为什么不讲讲呢? Haven't you found your tongue yet? Why don't you say something.
- 你为什么不咨询一下学校住宿服务中心呢? Why don't you ask at the University Accommodation Service?