- 你为什么不做实验呢? Why don't you do the experiment.
- 那么,你为什么不做个像他们那样的广告牌呢? Well, why don't you make a notice like theirs?
- 你为什么不做点你喜欢的事来缓解一下烦恼呢? Why don't you do something you enjoy to take your mind off your troubles?
- 你为什么不想想看我们做父母的心情呢? Why will not you try to understand how we parents feel?
- 你为什么不请教吉尔呢?她很精通家犬饲养。 Why don't you ask Gill? She's well up on dog breeding.
- 如果冷水淋浴对健康有益,那你为什么不照你说的去做,每天早晨冲个冷水澡呢? If cold showers are so good for the health, why don't you practise what you preach and take one yourself each morning?
- 你为什么不在家里做功课,而在东奔西跑? Why are you bustling around instead of sitting at home and doing your homework?
- 你为什么不打开窗子让房间通通风呢? Why don't you open the windows so that the room can air?
- 你为什么不继续做点工作,却整日无所事事地闲混? Why don't you get on with some work insteed of peddling away the whole day doing nothing?
- 你为什么不点那个呢,妈?"我问道:"我知道你很喜欢吃龙虾了。 Why don't you order that, Mom?"I asked."I know how much you like lobster.
- 你为什么在空余时间不做一点有实际意义的事呢? Why don't you do something sensible in your spare time?
- 你为什么不乖乖地做个女孩子就好!? Why not behave just as most obedient girls do?
- 你为什么不能较宽容地对待这个可怜的孩子呢? Why don't you let up on the poor child?
- 真荒谬!他怎么可以那样做?你为什么不报警? That's ridiculous! What gives him the right to do that? Why didn't you call the police?
- 你为什么不效法安妮,也把头发剪短些呢? Why don't you take a leaf out of Anne's book and have you hair cut shorter?
- 你为什么不把你的包裹交给我替你带呢? Why do not you give your parcel to me to carry ?
- 你为什么不现在就用棉球擦洗一下伤口呢? Why do not you sponge the wound now ?
- 你为什么不找个职业不再依靠你的父母呢? Why don' t you find a job and end this dependence upon your parents ?
- 你为什么不随便哪天晚上过来喝杯酒什么的呢? Why don't you come round for a drink or something one evening?
- 你为什么不去参加一个有氧健身班呢? Why don't you attend an aerobic class?