- 你不能算便宜一点? Can't you make it a little cheaper?
- 你能不能算便宜一点? Can you come down On the price?
- 能不能算便宜一点? Give me a discount.
- 你不能按审计的要求计帐,就不能算是一个好会计。 You can't call yourself a good accountant if you can't keep account according to the auditors'instructions.
- 在学习期间你不能工作,除非你的课程安排中有工作实践这项要求。 During the school year you are not allow to work unless the work experience is part of your school program.
- 你可以算便宜一点吗? Can you cut me a deal?
- 难道你不能不让你的狗进入我的花园吗? Can't you keep your dog from coming into my garden?
- 你不能在演讲中插入几个有趣的故事吗? Can't you work some funny stories into your lecture?
- 假使你不能去旅行的话,你将有何感受? Suppose you couldn't go on the trip. How would you feel?
- 30美元?哦,太贵了。一个包卖这个价钱,实在太贵,我看我花不起那么多钱。不能便宜一点吗? A:30 dollars? Oh, it's too expensive.It's really a high price for a bag.I don't think I could afford so much money for it.Can't you make it any cheaper?
- 如果你不能劝服他,那就试试新的方法吧。 If you can't persuade him, try a new tack.
- 你不能老是为这两个男人左右为难,你必须选择其中的一个。 You can't remain long in the position of being torn between two men; You must choose between them.
- 你不能再便宜一点吗? Cant you come down just a bit more?
- 昨天晚上什么事使你不能参加我们的晚会? What prevented you from joining us last night?
- 可是我不妨对你说,我是新来者,我还不能算是已经加入你们那假面跳舞会呢 but I don't mind telling you that as a newcomer I can't yet imagine myself taking part in your masquerade!"
- 不得自我们的允许,你不能随意离开。 You are not at liberty to leave without permission.
- 在这件事上,你不能逃避你应负的责任。 You cannot retreat from your responsibility in this affair.
- 当我们上课时,你不能进这个房间。 You can't come into this room while we are having a lesson.
- 我不能算出正确的结果,你能告诉我错在哪里吗? I can't get this calculation to work out properly. Can you show me where I have gone off the rails?
- 如果你不能做这件事,我可以谅解。 If you cannot do it, I will understand.