- 你不能听到我的尖叫吗? Can't you hear my screams?
- "你不能带玛丽去参加晚会,她是我的女朋友。" "是这么回事吗?" "You can't take Mary to the party- She's my girl." "Says who?"
- 难道你不能不让你的狗进入我的花园吗? Can't you keep your dog from coming into my garden?
- 你能听到我的呼唤吗?我只要一点点爱 Ocean Deep can't you hear when i call? A little love is all i ask
- 难道你不能阻止你的狗进入我的花园吗? Can't you keep your dog from coming into my garden?
- 你不能定我的罪, 我可以证实我当时在别的地方。 You can't fix the blame on me. I can prove I was somewhere else.
- 你不能多待些时候吗? Couldn't you stay longer?
- 我的房子很显眼,你不会看不到的。 My house sticks out and you can't miss it.
- 难道你不能原谅我吗? won't you please forgive me?
- 埃米莉的声音使他回到了现实:“你不能再喝了,詹姆斯。” Emily's voice brought him back to earth, "You mustn't have a second glass, James."
- 如果你不把我的话当回事,你等着瞧! If you do not take my word for it, you will see!
- 不,永远不能这样问,也许我会看到它写在哪儿的吧!” No,it'll never do to ask: perhaps I shall see it written up somewhere.'
- 你不能不让你孩子偷我的苹果吗? Can't you keep your children from stealing my apples?
- 如果你想要我的忠告,我认为你不应该去。 If you want my advice,I do not think you shall go.
- “那事我可不能干!”她一听到这个想法便吃惊地倒抽着冷气。 'I can't do that!' she gasped, appalled at the very idea.
- 如果你不能使你的狗不咬送牛奶的人,你就必须把它关起来。 If you can't restrain your dog form biting the milkman you must lock him up.
- 如果你真想听我的意见,我想你不应该退学。 If you really want my advice,I don't think you should quit school.
- 你不能去听音乐会真遗憾,但不管怎样,你将能在收音机里听到它。 It's a pity you can't come to the concert. At any rate you'll be able to hear it on the radio.
- 当然了,我敢肯定这样的解释不能让真正的博物学家满意。 Of course,I'm sure this explanation won't sit well with bonafide naturalists.
- 你不觉得我比假装把日语说的很蹩脚的你,好的多了吗? Did silence work better than your funnily disguised Japanese?