- 你不是说你不见我吗?可是我还是来啦。 You said you would not see me; but here I am.
- 我不是说你的男朋友对你不忠,但我觉得他好像并不是很在乎你。 I'm not saying your boyfriend is disloyal, but I do think he doesn't seem to care about you that much.
- 你不烦吗?我是说你得一便便的教,每天还得见同样的人。 A: Do you feel bored sometimes? I mean you have to do it over and over again.And you meet the same people every day?
- 如果你不见我,你要为所有负面后果负上责任。 If you don't see me, you will responsible for all negative result.
- 不是说你不要尽力竞争了,而是要按照游戏规则竞争。 Not that you shouldn't compete as aggressively as possible,but you need to play by the rules.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- “你不是说过,祖父的预防措施已中和了毒药的药性吗?” "But did you not say that my kind grandfather's precaution had neutralized the poison?"
- 也就是说,你不愿意在双休日见我,是吗? That is to say you won't see me on Saturday or Sunday, right?
- 国际芭蕾舞团?好的,你不是想说你是舞蹈演员吧? International ballet? OK, You don't mean to say you are a dancer?
- 你必不见那强暴的民,就是说话深奥,你不能明白,言语呢喃,你不能懂得的。 Thou shalt not see a fierce people, a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive; of a stammering tongue, that thou canst not understand.
- 别吹!你不是唯一请我一起外出的人。 Don't flatter yourself! You're not the only one who's asked me to go out with him.
- 这不是说他们从不知道有发自内心的冲动这种神赐的好事,而是要向别人说你不理解自己,实在是件不容易的事。 It's not that they've never known the blessing of this inner impulse. It's just not easy to explain something to someone else that you don't understand yourself.
- 你不会把车借给我要不是你爱我的话。 For giving me the wheels right out from under you for no good reason, other than. You love me.
- 也许你不是最好的,但你是最适合我的。 Maybe you are not the best in the world, but the best for me.
- 苏珊:天啊!下雨了.这就是说你不需要浇花园了。 Susan: Good heavens! It's raining. That's means you needn't water the garden.
- 你看不见我这身法师装和我的法师杖和我的尖顶法师帽么?如果我不是法师,我穿这些干吗? E: Can't you see my wizard dress and my wizard stick and my pointy wizard hat? Why would I wear this stuff if I were not a wizard?
- “你不插嘴就熬不住了,是不是?”他说。 "You'd have to put in, shouldn't you?" he said.
- 你不是该去准备一下了吗?-我还有时间。 Shouldn't you be getting ready? -I still got time.
- 你要是把汽车弄坏了,你父亲非说你不可(他一定得生气)。 If you damage the car,your father will have plenty to say about it,ie he will be angry.
- 别怕,简,我知道这不是故意的,你不会受罚。 'Don't be afraid, Jane, I saw it was an accident; you shall not be punished.